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Food Image

Thursday, 25 August 2011


It is popular in Japan today to drink water immediately after waking up every morning. Furthermore, scientific tests have proven  its value.. We publish below a description of use of water for our readers. For old and serious diseases as well as modern illnesses the water treatment had been found successful by a Japanese medical society as a 100% cure for the following diseases:
Headache, body ache, heart system, arthritis, fast heart beat, epilepsy, excess fatness, bronchitis asthma, TB, meningitis, kidney and urine diseases, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, piles, diabetes, constipation, all eye diseases, womb, cancer and menstrual disorders, ear nose and throat diseases.


1. As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drink 4 x 160ml glasses of water
2.. Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minute
3. After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal.
4. After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch and dinner do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours
5. Those who are old or sick and are unable to drink 4 glasses of water at the beginning may commence by taking little water and gradually increase it to 4 glasses per day.
6. The above method of treatment will cure diseases of the sick and others can enjoy a healthy life.
The following list gives the number of days of treatment required to cure/control/ reduce main diseases:
1.     High Blood Pressure (30 days)
2.     Gastric (10 days)
3.     Diabetes (30 days)
4.     Constipation (10 days)
5.     Cancer (180 days)
6.     TB (90 days)
7.     Arthritis patients should follow the above treatment only for 3 days in the 1st week, and from 2nd  week onwards – daily.
This treatment method has no side effects, however at the commencement of treatment you may have to urinate a few times.
It is better if we continue this and make this procedure as a routine work in our life. Drink Water and Stay healthy and Active.

This makes sense.... The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals ..not cold water. Maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating!!! Nothing to lose, everything to gain...

For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you.
It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal.  However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion.
Once this "sludge" reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food.. It will line the intestine.
Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.

Monday, 15 August 2011

Correct timing take water …. Very important

Correct timing to take water will maximize its effectiveness to Human body.

 Two (02) glass of water - After waking up -  Helps activate internal organs
 One (01) glasses of water  - 30 minutes before meal - Help digestion
 One (01) glass of water - Before taking a bath - Helps lower blood pressure
 One (01) glass of water - Before sleep  - To avoid stroke or heart attacks

Saturday, 30 July 2011

How to Reduce Weight

Everybody tries to reduce their weight by reducing food, but they will become weak instead of reducing weight. To reduce weight and to lead healthy life they have to avoid junk food.

Follow the steps:

1. Overweight people will have less blood. Drink raw vegetables juice one glass daily then blood will increase instead of weight.

2. Take lots of sprouts as breakfast instead of Idle, Dosa. But avoid coconut and peanuts.

3. Eat 3 or 4 Rotis instead of white rice in lunch with more vegetable curry (without salt and oil). If you eat more vegetables more fat will reduce because of vegetables are rich in Fibre. After rotis you can take some curd, but don’t take rice.

4. Drink one glass of fruit juice at evening 5’o clock; It will increase your blood but not weight.

5. Finish your dinner before 7’o clock, if you eat after 7’o clock then it will increase fat content. Because of early dinner your stored fat will burn.

6. Eat 2 or 3 rotis in dinner with more vegetable curry, don’t take curd and rice.

7. Perform some Yogasanas daily.

Once you follow the above food habits and som``e yoga asanas daily, definitely you will see a good result.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

How to Gain Weight

Eat often
  • Eat small, nutritious meals often; try five small meal-snacks a day.
  • Set an alarm to remind yourself to eat.
  • Have a full meal at the time of day when your appetite is best.
  • Have a snack before you go to bed at night.
  • Keep nutritious, high calorie snacks where you can see them and reach them easily.

Slowly increase your food
It will take your body some time to get used to the extra food. Slowly increase how often and how much you eat. There are a lot of ideas in this handout, try a couple every few days. On different days you will want different foods. After some time, you may be able to eat a high calorie meal as shown on the last page.
Eat what you like
Have lots of your favourite foods around and eat these whenever you want. If meat and potatoes does not appeal to you at supper, try a bowl of hot cereal topped with fruit, nuts and cream.

Don’t fill up on low-calorie foods
Limit plain coffee, tea, clear soup, diet drinks or raw, bulky vegetables. These fill you up but don’t
give you the calories that you need.

If you get tired easily, use quick and easy foods
• Buy ready-to-eat meals and foods such as TV dinners (not the light brands). Try pre-cooked
foods from the deli or salad bars at the grocery store.
• Buy “instant” cereals, soups, hot cocoa package mixes, noodle and rice mixes to which you just
add hot water.
• Order food by phone and have it delivered.
• Cook meals in advance and freeze them in single portions.

Choose high-calorie foods Fats are high in calories
• Add butter, margarine, mayonnaise, salad dressing, cream cheese, oil, gravy, sour cream, cool whip, whipping cream and cream sauces to recipes and foods.
• Fry or deep-fry foods in fat for extra calories.
Eat high-fat foods
• Buy regular, not “light” products.
• Meats that are high in fat include bacon, sausages, luncheon meats and spareribs.
• Drink whole milk with meals or as a snack. Try condensed milk and evaporated whole milk. Chocolate or strawberry milk, hot cocoa and instant breakfast mixes are good too. In cooking and in soup, use whole milk or cream (or try canned coconut milk). Use cream on cereal and in coffee and tea, and on desserts. Top pancakes with whipped cream.
Have protein at every meal
• Protein includes cheese, eggs, poultry, fish, meat, peanut butter, nuts, brown beans and lentils.
• If your appetite for meat is poor, serve it cold and sliced.
• Try cold sliced turkey on buttered bread or crackers, cheese chunks in salads, or peanut butter on apple slices.
• Add canned white beans or kidney beans to soup or casseroles.
• Chopped boiled egg can be added to casseroles or salads. Add an extra 1 or 2 eggs when making pancakes, cakes or muffins.
• Swirl a beaten egg into soup or into macaroni and cheese while it is cooking.
• Add grated cheese to soups, tacos, lasagna and ravioli.
• Add milk powder to soups, stews, casseroles, mashed potatoes, cereals and scrambled eggs. Or add a package of unflavoured gelatin into your soup, juice or milk.

• Add sugar, honey or jam to your drinks and
• Try adding non-alcoholic drink mixes such as pina colada to ice-cream or milk shakes.
• Try cheese and crackers, raisin toast with margarine or peanut butter, raisins and dried fruit, peanuts, sunflower seeds, almonds, “trail mix”, granola, olives, avocado pear, coconut, hard-cooked eggs, sandwiches, milk shakes or sweetened juice.
• Dip fruits in a mixture of sour cream and honey.
• Choose ice cream, frozen yogourt, regular fruit yogourt, cheese with fruit, custards and puddings. To these desserts add chocolate chips, coconut, nuts, granola or cream.
• Foods as shown in Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating should always be the main part of your meals, but you can also have some high calorie desserts and sweets such as cakes, cookies, pies, donuts, chocolates, candies and soft drinks.

Buy high calorie drinks
• For example: Ensure, Boost, Resource or Sustacal are canned drinks that can be bought at drugstores and some grocery stores. Special products such as Resource Diabetic or Glucerna (for diabetes) or Pulmocare (for emphysema) may need to be ordered in by your pharmacist. These drinks are high in calories and have added vitamins and minerals.
• Add Instant Breakfast mix to your milk.
• As well as canned drinks, you can buy sugar and protein powders that you add to your foods for extra calories. Try other high-calorie foods that have vitamins added such as puddings, soups and bars.
• These bought drinks and foods are handy, but they do cost more than homemade kinds.
Eat out
• “Eat out” at a senior centre or restaurant.
Vitamin and mineral pills
• A“one-a-day” vitamin and mineral pill for a period of time may be good for you if you have lost a lot of weight or if you are not eating enough food. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before starting to use any vitamin pills, mineral
pills or herbal products.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Benefits of Apple

Reported Health Benefits of Apple :

  1. Apple is a rich source of flavonoid and polyphenols both are powerful antioxidant.
  2. Study shown that by eating 100g of apple can give an antioxidant effect that equal to taking about 1,500mg of vitamin C.
  3. Apple contain a large amount of minerals and vitamins that can strengthen the blood.
  4. Apple contain malic acid and tartaric acid, that can help prevent disturbances of the liver and digestion.
  5. Apple cider vinegar when used as beverage can help to prevent the formation of kidney stone.
  6. The skin of Apple contain pectin that can help remove toxic substances from the system by supplying galacturonic acid. Pectin helps prevent protein matter in the intestine from spoiling.
  7. Eating an apple daily can lower cholesterol and reduce skin diseases.

Apples have been recommended for : Obesity, Headache, Arthritis, Bronchial asthma, Inflammation of the bladder, Gonorrhea, Anemia, Tuberculosis, Neuritis, Insomnia, Catarrh, Gallbladder stones, Worms, Halithosis, Pyorrhea

Nutritive Values : Per 100 grams

Vitamin A : 900 I.U.
Vitamin B : Thiamine .07 mg.;
Vitamin C : 5 mg.
Vitamin G : Amount uncertain
Calcium : 6 mg.
Iron : 3 mg.
Phosphorus : 10 mg.
Potassium : 130 mg.
Carbohydrates : 14.9 gm.
Calories : 58

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

The real KILLER - Good One = RELAX


So it’s up to you now!

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Health Related Interview

Interview with Heart Specialist

A chat with Dr.Devi Shetty (Heart Specialist), Narayana Hrudayalaya - Bangalore was arranged by WIPRO for its employees.

The transcript of the chat is given below. Useful for everyone.

Qn: What are the thumb rules for a layman to take care of his heart?
1. Diet - Less of carbohydrate, more of protein, less oil
2. Exercise - Half an hour's walk, at least five days a week; avoid lifts and avoid sitting for a longtime
3. Quit smoking
4. Control weight
5. Control blood pressure and sugar

Qn: Is eating non-veg food (fish) good for the heart?
Ans: No
Qn: It's still a grave shock to hear that some apparently healthy person  
gets a cardiac arrest. How do we understand it in perspective?  
Ans: This is called silent attack; that is why we recommend everyone past the age of 30 to undergo routine health checkups.

Qn: Are heart diseases hereditary? 
Ans: Yes  

Qn: What are the ways in which the heart is stressed? What practices do you suggest to de-stress? Ans: Change your attitude towards life. Do not look for perfection in everything in life.

Qn: Is walking better than jogging or is more intensive exercise required to keep a healthy heart?
Ans: Walking is better than jogging since jogging leads to early fatigue and injury to joints  

Qn: You have done so much for the poor and needy. What has inspired you to do so?
Ans: Mother Theresa , who was my patient

Qn: Can people with low blood pressure suffer heart diseases?
Ans: Extremely rare

Qn: Does cholesterol accumulates right from an early age
(I'm currently only 22) or do you have to worry about it only after you are above 30 years of age?

Ans: Cholesterol accumulates from childhood.

Qn: How do irregular eating habits affect the heart ?
Ans: You tend to eat junk food when the habits are irregular and your body's enzyme release for digestion gets confused.

Qn: How can I control cholesterol content without using medicines?
Ans: Control diet, walk and eat walnut.

Qn: Can yoga prevent heart ailments?
Ans: Yoga helps.

Qn: Which is the best and worst food for the heart?  
Ans: Fruits and vegetables are the best and the worst is oil.

Qn: Which oil is better - groundnut, sunflower, olive?
Ans: All oils are bad ..

Qn: What is the routine checkup one should go through? Is there any specific test?  
Ans: Routine blood test to ensure sugar, cholesterol is ok. Check BP, Treadmill test after an echo.

Qn: What are the first aid steps to be taken on a heart attack?
Ans: Help the person into a sleeping position , place an aspirin tablet under the tongue with a sorbitrate tablet if available, and rush him to a coronary care unit since the maximum casualty takes place within the first hour.

Qn: How do you differentiate between pain caused by a heart attack and that caused due to gastric trouble?
Ans: Extremely difficult without ECG.

Qn: What is the main cause of a steep increase in heart problems amongst youngsters? I see people of about 30-40 yrs of age having heart attacks and serious heart problems.
Ans: Increased awareness has increased incidents. Also, sedentary lifestyles, smoking, junk food, lack of exercise in a country where people are genetically three times more vulnerable for heart attacks than Europeans and Americans.

Qn: Is it possible for a person to have BP outside the normal range of 120/80 and yet be perfectly healthy?
Ans: Yes.

Qn: Marriages within close relatives can lead to heart problems for the child. Is it true?
Ans : Yes, co-sanguinity leads to congenital abnormalities and you may not have a software engineer as a child

Qn: Many of us have an irregular daily routine and many a times we have to stay late nights in office. Does this affect our heart ? What precautions would you recommend?
Ans : When you are young, nature protects you against all these irregularities. However, as you grow older, respect the biological clock.

Qn: Will taking anti-hypertensive drugs cause some other complications (short / long term)?
Ans : Yes, most drugs have some side effects. However, modern anti-hypertensive drugs are extremely safe.

Qn: Will consuming more coffee/tea lead to heart attacks?
Ans : No.

Qn: Are asthma patients more prone to heart disease?
Ans : No.

Qn: How would you define junk food?
Ans : Fried food like Kentucky , McDonalds , samosas, and even masala dosas.

Qn: You mentioned that Indians are three times more vulnerable. What is the reason for this, as Europeans and Americans also eat a lot of junk food?
Ans: Every race is vulnerable to some disease and unfortunately, Indians are vulnerable for the most expensive disease.

Qn: Does consuming bananas help reduce hypertension? Ans : No.

Qn: Can a person help himself during a heart attack (Because we see a lot of forwarded emails on this)? Ans : Yes. Lie down comfortably and put an aspirin tablet of any description under the tongue and ask someone to take you to the nearest coronary care unit without any delay and do not wait for the ambulance since most of the time, the ambulance does not turn up..

Qn: Do, in any way, low white blood cells and low hemoglobin count lead to heart problems?
Ans : No. But it is ideal to have normal hemoglobin level to increase your exercise capacity.

Qn: Sometimes, due to the hectic schedule we are not able to exercise. So, does walking while doing daily chores at home or climbing the stairs in the house, work as a substitute for exercise? 
Ans : Certainly. Avoid sitting continuously for more than half an hour and even the act of getting out of the chair and going to another chair and sitting helps a lot..

Qn: Is there a relation between heart problems and blood sugar? Ans: Yes. A strong relationship since diabetics are more vulnerable to heart attacks than non-diabetics.

Qn: What are the things one needs to take care of after a heart operation? Ans : Diet, exercise, drugs on time , Control cholesterol, BP, weight.....

Qn: Are people working on night shifts more vulnerable to heart disease when compared to day shift workers?  
Ans : No.

Qn: What are the modern anti-hypertensive drugs?   Ans : There are hundreds of drugs and your doctor will chose the right combination for your problem, but my suggestion is to avoid the drugs and go for natural ways of controlling blood pressure by walk, diet to
reduce weight and changing attitudes towards lifestyles.

Qn: Does dispirin or similar headache pills increase the risk of heart attacks?
Ans : No.

Qn: Why is the rate of heart attacks more in men than in women?
Ans : Nature protects women till the age of 45.

Qn: How can one keep the heart in a good condition? Ans : Eat a healthy diet, avoid junk food, exercise everyday, do not smoke and, go for health checkup s if you are past the age of 30 ( once in six months recommended) ....

Exercise For Brain

Good Health For Brain - Exercises

Note - Its available in only Telugu Language, sorry for the inconvenience

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Five Healthy Foods to Eat at your Workstatio​n

Five Healthy Foods to Eat at your Workstatio​n
Try eating these five power foods to battle the ill effects of sitting at your desk for many hours at a stretch.

We've all heard it times and again that sitting all day long at the desk isn't really good for the health. Sadly, there aren't any feasible alternatives to this mode of working. While you can't just leave your job, you can surely do something which is beneficial for your health. Eating the right kind of fruits can help you overcome the negative effects of sitting like a robot all day.
Here are five power foods you can enjoy while sitting at your desk. They can work wonders for your heart, blood pressure, and can even improve your memory and concentration.


Some new researches have pointed out that walnuts have more (and better quality) antioxidants than almonds, peanuts, pistachios and many other nuts. All nuts have been found to improve lipids and can reduce the risk of heart diseases. Walnuts have also been found to enhance cognitive and motor function in animals with Alzheimer's. Experts recommend seven walnuts a day.

Cup of Green Tea
Polyphenols, one of the major ingredients of green tea, is known to help repair the damaged DNA and stimulate the immune system. Besides, research shows that green tea also helps in reducing the risk of cancers, including skin cancer and prostate cancer.


If there ever was a list of healthy snacks, this is definitely going to be on the list. In fact, many say that popcorn is the healthiest snack available. It is 100 percent whole grain and is big on fiber and antioxidants. If you can air-pop your popcorn and add a minimal quantity of salt, you'd have the best popcorn, say experts. If your office has a microwave, just make sure you bring a pack of low sodium popcorn to work.

Dark Chocolate

This, too, contains those powerful antioxidants called Polyphenols which combat the risk factors (like oxidation of LDL cholesterol) for heart diseases and also inhibit clotting. Studies have also indicated that consuming a small bar of dark chocolate daily can reduce blood pressure in people with mild hypertension. Caffeine, another active ingredient of dark chocolate, can give you that much-required kick and a boost in concentration levels.


Not only they help you conquer that “false hunger”, they are also brimming with nutrients which are needed to keep you going all day. You can choose between apples, bananas, mangoes, oranges, papayas etc. but make sure you carry some fruits to the office on a daily basis.

Polyphenols, one of the major ingredients of green tea, is known to help repair the damaged DNA and stimulate the immune system. Besides, research shows that green tea also helps in reducing the risk of cancers, including skin cancer and prostate cancer.

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Live Health Club Details - More useful to You

This Information about "Live Health Club",

In this site you can get all information about body, health, height, weight, BMI (Body Mass Index) and Body Fat Calculator etc ....

Go through the following link.

Live Health Club - Registration

Liver Facts


Tuesday, 3 May 2011


Answerthe phone by LEFT ear 


Do not drink coffee TWICE a day

Do not take pills with COOL water

Do not have HUGE meals after 5pm

Reduce the amount of TEA you consume

Reduce the amount of OILY food you consume

Drink more WATER in the morning, less at night

Keep your distance from hand phone CHARGERS

Do not use headphones/earphone for LONG period of time

Best sleeping time is from 10pm at night to 6am in the morning

Do not lie down immediately after taking medicine before sleeping

When battery is down to the LAST grid/bar, do not answer the phone as the radiation is 1000 times